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Ben Milligan B.Eng.



I'm a Canadian Software Engineer who focuses in algorithm design, sensors, signal processing, and robotics. I have a background in Mechatronics & Biomedical Engineering and like my software trajectory, I'm always learning new ways to combine the two- and I'm not afraid of specializing in something new!

I love tackling ambitious problems not just in my work, but also in personal hobbies since I value the skills I learn along the way far higher than the simple payout to "buy" a similar product on the market. This is somewhat evident when you look through my projects since I start with the useful engineering tools first - variable voltage supply, 3D printer, fume extractor, etc.


I started off as a Mechanical Designer for Siemens Canada where I learned a majority of my formal engineering design elements like revision control, verification and validation, engineering standards, and effective ways of communication across a multidisciplinary team. These were all co-op positions from my time at the University of Waterloo and they put me on a rock-solid path for a mechanical engineering career.

After transferring to the University of Guelph, I essentially restarted my degree and took courses in the biomedical field, with a goal of finishing as a biomedical engineer. Through all my earlier robotics and mechanical education, I had missed the human component and the impact technology could have on human lives directly. Funny enough, by the end I focused in the more robotic and technological side of my degree- being biomedical signal processing of ECG, EEG, EMG, etc. During my time at Guelph, I volunteered and  interned at the Biomechanics lab where I learned anatomical algorithm design, wearable sensor signal processing, and practical research methods. After graduating, I realized that my distinguished degree in signal processing could be strategically combined with my robotics background to cover exciting specialties in biomedical and software engineering, instead of my earlier mechanical path.

My current position as a software engineer / full stack developer covers all ends of a wearable system, from sensor acquisition hardware and firmware, real-time signal processing, novel anatomical algorithms and sensor fusion, and server backend with websocket communication to a performant frontend web application. Every unique step along the stack allows me to wear every software design cap and mould the application into an effective continuous integration cycle. As each aspect increases in complexity, new professional design processes are introduced and documented to meet an ISO13485 standard. Currently, bare metal boards acquire the necessary data from custom sensors which feed a web application either over BLE or UART to show real time kinematics and kinetics for the clinician. Validation with laboratory measurements will also provide adequate baselines for meeting biosignal representations to a clinical degree.


While at Guelph I was a varsity rowing athlete but right now I train at a lower intensity with cycling, running and soccer. I grew up alpine ski racing in Ontario & Québec and I love hiking, camping, and heading out on canoe trips any chance I can get!


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